With over a decade in graphic design, Sofia initially freelanced and later founded her own studio (Sofia Noceti Studio, 2019-2023). In 2023, she partnered with Crista Bernasconi to establish Ufficio, a new design studio in Buenos Aires, bringing a fresh collaborative perspective to their work.
In addition, since 2016, Sofia has co-led Ediciones El Fuerte with Juan Casal. This editorial project revolves around creating fanzines printed in risograph, showcasing not only her work but also pieces from admired artists in their parallel project, Baba de Perro.
Since 2015, she has been experimenting with various etching techniques, resulting in graphic works that she has practiced almost in secret.
She addresses the design practice through research processes that allow her to approach projects from different points of view. Her inspiration comes from nature and fantasy, humans and animals, objects and emotions.
In 2024, I started teaching in the Bachelor's Degree in Design at UTDT - Universidad Torcuato Di Tella -.
Branding, Graphic Design, Art Direction, Editorial Design, Illustration, Surface Design, Web Design
2024, MAR DEL PLATA—Feria Migra
2018-2023, BUENOS AIRES—Isla de Ediciones, ArteBA
2023, SINGAPORE—Singapore Art Book Fair
2022, PARIS, FRANCE- Venez decouvrir L’amerique latine contemporaine (Muestra Colectiva)
2022, BERLIN, GERMANY—Miss Read. Art Book Fair
2022, MADRID, SPAIN—Libros Mutantes. Art Book Fair
2021, VIENNA, SUIZA—Fanzineist Vienna. Art Book & Zine Fair
2021, NEW YORK, USA—New York Virtual Art Book Fair
2019, SANTIAGO, CHILE — Impresionante. Art Book Fair
2019, TOKYO, JAPAN—Tokyo Art Book Fair
2019, SHANGHAI, CHINA — UNFOLD Shanghai Art Book Fair
2018, SAO PAULO, BRAZIL— Feira Plana
2018, MONTEVIDEO, URUGUAY—Microutopias. Feria de arte impreso
2017, SANTIAGO, CHILE—Impresionante. Feria de arte Impreso
2016, LONDON, UK—The London Illustration Fair—Oxo Tower Wharf, Southbank
2016, BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA—Estampida Gráfica V.2—Muestra colectiva de grabado
2016, BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA—Casa de la Lectura—Muestra Colectiva
2015, BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA—Estampida Gráfica—Muestra colectiva de grabado
2015, BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA—Galeria Mar Dulce. Muestra Colectiva—Obra muestra permanente en la galería
2015, BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA—Botánica. Espacio Cabrera
2015, BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA—Zur. Vol 1. Colectivo de Grabado
2014, TIGRE, BUENOS AIRES—Noche de las Artes. Colectivo de grabado+ Fabrica de Estampas Club Albarellos
2014, BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA—Joint. Muestra Colectiva—Galeria Mundiroff, San Telmo
2014, BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA—Esto no es una nariz Congreso Internacional Witold Gombrowicz—Biblioteca Nacional De Buenos Aires
2013, BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA—Buenos Aires Art Night. Muestra Colectiva—Bs As Design, Galeria Avnida
2023, ARGENTINA—PODCAST UDGBA—Especialistas: El Fuerte
2023, ARGENTINA—Feature Projects—The Book of Design
2023, HONG KONG—Feature Project—Brand Magazine
2023—Interview—Wix Playground
2023, COSTA RICA— Feature Project— La Tina - Diseñadoras gráficas en Latinoamérica— Pupila Estudio
2023, ES—Review—Graficatessen
2022, BUENOS AIRES —Talk. Migra
2022, MAR DEL PLATA, BS.AS—Talk. Book Presentation—Trimarchi
2021, HONG KONG—The Oriental Color: Principles of Brand Design—HIGHTONE Publishing company
2021—Feature Project—Book Inspo Finds Collection II
2019, CHINA—Magazine—360 Design Issue. Issue 83
2020—Adobe Create. Interview
2019, VITORIA, SPAIN — Irudika. Talk - Congress
2019, BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA—Bienal de diseño Fadu. Talk
2019, CHINA—360 Design Issue July
2019, ALEMANIA—PAGE Magazine Issue June
2019, FRANCIA—Feature Project—Étapes
2017, CHINA—Duotone in graphic design, Sandu Publishing
2017, CHINA—Freestyle — Illustrating Urban Fashion Book / Sandu Publishing
2017, LONDON—People Of Print
2017, USA—Woman Who Draw
2016, ARGENTINA—Revista Gata Flora
2016, FRANCIA—Feature Project—Étapes
2016, LONDON — People Of Print